'Cats' Musical Wiki

This page is for putting any headcanons (your own theories, not officially recognised) relating to the musical and the characters of Cats. Please remember that this is a fanon page. Feel free to add any headcanons you might have, but don't delete other people's ideas.

Where possible, please elaborate on the reasoning behind your headcanons and theories.


The Jellicle Ball

  • The Ball takes place during a full moon ("The Jellicle moon is shining bright").
  • It takes place during the winter solstice (the opposite of summer solstice), hence why Act 2 was originally titled "Why Will the Summer Day Delay – When Will Time Flow Away?".


See Category:Couples for fandom ships.

Admetus / Plato[]


  • Admetus is a ginger and white short-haired stray.
  • Plato is a tabby.
  • Plato is an oriental shorthair or longhair cat, based on how tall and lanky he appears.
  • Admetus and Macavity are in some way linked, perhaps as siblings, or a split personality Jekyll/Hyde.
  • Skimbleshanks is Victoria's father, and he arranged the pairing between Victoria and Plato. He did this because he wants only the best for his daughter, and Plato has always seemed like a respectful young tom, but little does he know Plato is quite shallow.
  • Admetus/Plato is a Leo.


  • Admetus: in productions where there is both Admetus and Plato, such as the movie, they might be siblings.
  • Asparagus: might be his father.
  • Bombalurina: might be mates.
  • Demeter: might be mates.
  • Etcetera: might be siblings, or mates.
  • Jellylorum: might be his mother.
  • Macavity: might be his father, brother, or alter-ego.
  • Mistoffelees: might be his brother or adopted brother.
  • Old Deuteronomy: might be his grandfather.
  • Plato: in productions where there is both Admetus and Plato, such as the movie, they might be siblings.
  • Pouncival: might be brothers.
  • Tumblebrutus: might be brothers.
  • Victoria: might be adoptive siblings, or mates, as in some productions they perform the Mating Dance together (see Platoria).



  • London based Alonzo is a black and white spotted cat.
  • Broadway based Alonzo is a tabby alley cat.
  • Alonzo is possibly a black and white Turkish Van or a British shorthair due to the textured coloring of the coat.
  • When Alonzo saves Demeter from Macavity, his motive might have been his mother. Maybe his mother was in an abusive relationship, that's how he was born, and this is why Bustopher shuns him. Alonzo could be Bustopher Jones' nephew (hence the similar colorings), but because he's a scrappy alley cat, Bustopher doesn't want to acknowledge him as family.
  • Alonzo is a Scorpio.
  • Alonzo may be acting tough to win over some of the queens.
  • Alonzo raised Sillabub with the help of Jennyanydots and Skimbleshanks.
  • Alonzo provided care for Mistoffelees & Victoria when they were younger.


Asparagus / Gus[]


  • Asparagus is a long-haired sandy tabby.
  • In the film version, Asparagus is a separate character from Gus the Theatre Cat. Most fans consider them separate, as Asparagus in the ensemble is much livelier and younger than Gus the Theatre Cat.
  • Asparagus is a Libra.


Bill Bailey / Tumblebrutus[]


  • Bill Bailey is a tabby and white kitten, with patches of tabby stripes and spots on a white body.
  • Possibly a Burmese cat breed, or a scruffy short-haired alleycat.
  • Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus is an Aries.
  • His owner may be a gymnast.
  • Tumblebrutus was among the names listed in the poem Growltiger's Last Stand by T.S. Eliot, as Growltiger's first mate in the Raffish Crew. Tumblebrutus is probably an ex-member of Macavity's crew or Growltiger's, though he is surprisingly young. In fact, the poem specifically says "his bosun, Tumblebrutus, he too had stol'n away" meaning that Tumblebrutus was missing the night Growltiger met his downfall, meaning that he probably was involved in betraying his boss.




  • Bombalurina is a bright torbie and white - her ginger colour exaggerated onstage, but she has patches of black stripes over a bright ginger, and a white bib.
  • Bombalurina and Demeter are sisters, who both were involved in Macavity's gang. Macavity was in an abusive relationship with Demeter, leading to conflicting emotions for Bombalurina, who knows a lot about Macavity, and is less afraid of him than Demeter is.
  • After Demeter left Macavity's gang, Bombalurina was the first cat to welcome her to the Jellicles. That's why she's so protective of her.
  • Grizabella is Bombalurina and Demeter's mother, and abandoned them to continue her glamorous lifestyle. She inherited her looks and confidence from her mother, and she understands her but resents her abandoning them.
  • Bombalurina is possibly a Somali cat breed.
  • Bombalurina is a Cancer or a Leo.
  • Bombalurina really was Dick Whittington's cat, and because of her heroics she was chosen to be reborn through the Heaviside Layer. She still remains proud of her past life.


  • Alonzo: might be mates.
  • Bustopher Jones: might be a close friend of his, or a fan along with Jennyanydots and Jellylorum.
  • Coricopat: may be her son, with Macavity.
  • Demeter: might be sisters, mates (see Demelurina), or close friends. Depending on the age of each cat in the production, they may be seen as mother and daughter.
  • Electra: might be her cousin, younger sister, close friend, or daughter by Macavity (performer Suzie Melloy has shared this theory) or Alonzo.
  • Grizabella: might be her mother.
  • Gus: might be a relation of Gus the Theatre Cat.
  • Jennyanydots: might be her mother.
  • Macavity: may be her father, brother, or mate.
  • Mistoffelees: might be her son.
  • Munkustrap: might be mates (see Bombastrap).
  • Pouncival: might be mates (in reference to the 1998 film), as Pouncival is seen flirting with Bombalurina during the end of The Rum Tum Tugger number, in addition to being paired up during Victoria and Ademetus/Plato's section of the pas de deux.
  • Rum Tum Tugger: might be best friends, or mates (see Tuggerina). Bombalurina flirts with him during his solo, and they dance the pas de deux.
  • Rumpleteazer: might be mates (see Bombateazer).
  • Sillabub: might be her niece, daughter, or friend.
  • Skimbleshanks: might be her father.
  • Victoria: might be her daughter.

Bustopher Jones[]


  • Bustopher Jones is a well-fed, plush black short-hair, with a white bib and white paws (his white "spats").
  • Bustopher Jones is possibly a British or Exotic Shorthair, or an oversized Bombay cat breed.
  • Alonzo is Bustopher Jones' nephew (hence the similar colorings), but because he's a scrappy alley cat, Bustopher doesn't want to acknowledge him as family. Maybe Alonzo's mother was in an abusive relationship, having birthed him, and this is why Bustopher shuns him.
  • Mistoffelees is also Bustopher's nephew, but because he's a purebred tuxedo cat and has been well educated and lives with a wealthy family, Bustopher takes great pride in being his uncle.
  • Bustopher and Grizabella had a close friendship since they were kittens, but when Grizabella was kicked out of the tribe, she stopped talking to Bustopher because he was an important cat within the Tribe. Grizabella lives in an alley not far from the Tomb, and this is why Bustopher "looks full of gloom" whenever he's eaten there. It's because he misses the good times he and Grizabella had as kittens. It has nothing to do with the food; he actually loves cabbage, rice pudding, and mutton.
  • Bustopher Jones is a Sagittarius.
  • Munkustrap, Bustopher Jones, Skimbleshanks, Mistoffelees, Victoria, Mungojerrie, and Rumpleteazer are the only members of the Tribe to have wealthy owners.
  • Bustopher Jones was a therapy animal in the military. This would explain why he loves food so much, why he has such status among the Jellicles, and why Munkustrap salutes him.


  • Alonzo: might be his son, nephew, or brother, due to them having the same coat colours.
  • Grizabella: might be his kittenhood friend.
  • Jellylorum: might be his mate.
  • Jennyanydots: might be his mate. She is shown to be a great admirer of him in his solo.
  • Mistoffelees: might be his son or nephew, due to them both being tuxedo cats.
  • Tumblebrutus: might be his nephew.
  • Victoria: might be his daughter, or niece.

Carbucketty / Pouncival[]


  • Carbucketty is a tabby and white kitten/teen.
  • Carbucketty and Bill Bailey (or Pouncival and Tumblebrutus) are best friends, with one being the youngest kitten in the tribe and the other being older. Which one depends on the production.
  • Carbucketty/Pouncival is a Leo.
  • Electra, Etcetera, and Pouncival are siblings, and Jellylorum is their mother.


  • Alonzo: might be be brothers.
  • Asparagus: might be his father.
  • Bombalurina: might be mates (in reference to the 1998 film), as Pouncival is seen flirting with Bombalurina during the end of The Rum Tum Tugger number, in addition to being paired up during Victoria and Ademetus/Plato's section of the pas de deux.
  • Gilbert: might be related in the Japanese production.
  • Electra: might be siblings, or mates.
  • Etcetera: might be siblings, or mates.
  • Jellylorum: might be his mother.
  • Jemima: might be siblings, or mates.
  • Jennyanydots: might be his mother.
  • Mistoffelees: might be brothers or his adopted brother. They could also be mates as they are sometimes seen together during the pas de deux.
  • Old Deuteronomy: might be his father, or uncle.
  • Skimbleshanks: might be his father.
  • Tumblebrutus: might be siblings, or mates (see Tumblebucketty).
  • Victoria: might be siblings or his adopted sister.



  • Cassandra is some form of exotic breed, possibly Abysinnian, Siamese, Havana Brown, or Burmese.
  • Cassandra is a Capricorn.
  • Cassandra was never meant to be a Jellicle, since her parents were carefully bred exotic cats who didn’t want their daughter on the streets to mate with any motley breed, so she was spayed. But Cassandra was enticed by the carefree Jellicle life, and escaped her home to join the tribe.
  • She really was there when the Pharoah's commissioned the Sphinx.




  • Coricopat and Tantomile are strongly marked Tabby and white. He has less white on his bib than Tantomile. They are almost identical.
  • Coricopat and Tantomile are possibly of the Abysinnian, Burmese, Oriental Shorthair, or Somali cat breed.
  • Given that the psychic twins display magical abilities, this suggests they might be related to the other magical cats - Mistoffelees, Macavity, and Jemima.
  • Coricopat is a Gemini.




  • Demeter is a torbie and white - her costume design is stylised, but shows black stripes and patches over a golden ginger base, with a white bib.
  • Demeter was once lured into Macavity's world, kept away from her tribe. She was manipulated and abused, her ears torn. During this time, she often saw Grizabella walking the streets in shambles. On the night of the Jellicle Ball, Demeter escapes from Macavity's lair and heads for the junkyard where she knows the others will meet. We see her arrival at the top of the show when she is revealed by the headlights of a passing car. Thoughout the show, she is very alert and warns of Macavity. She knows he will return for her.
  • Bombalurina and Demeter are sisters, who both were involved in Macavity's gang. Macavity was in an abusive relationship with Demeter.
  • Grizabella is Bombalurina and Demeter's mother, and abandoned them to continue her glamorous lifestyle. Demeter has a lot of empathy for Grizabella, but lacks the confidence to displease Bombalurina by reaching out to her.
  • After Demeter left Macavity's gang but before she joined the Jellicles, she met Grizzabella. They helped each other out while they were living on the streets, but Demeter left her behind after she met Bombalurina and was welcomed into the Jellicles. That's why she knows so much about her during Grizabella, the Glamour Cat, and why she wants to reach out to her but doesn't; she's scared of losing her place with the Jellicles.
  • Grizabella worked with Demeter as a glamour cat, but when Demeter pleaded for Grizabella to help her leave Macavity, Grizabella was silent.
  • Demeter is possibly a Somali, Turkish Angora, or mixed cat breed.
  • Demeter is a Cancer.


  • Alonzo: might be mates - this is indicated onstage in Broadway-based productions (see Demelonzo).
  • Bombalurina: might be sisters, mates (see Demelurina), or close friends. Depending on the age of each cat in the production, they may be seen as mother and daughter.
  • Coricopat: might be mates.
  • Electra: might be cousins, or close friends.
  • Electra: might be her mother, by Munkustrap.
  • Grizabella: might be her mother.
  • Jellylorum: might be her mother.
  • Jemima: might be her daughter or adoptive daughter (possibly by Macavity), sisters, or just good friends.
  • Jennyanydots: might be her mother, or aunt.
  • Macavity: might have been mates (see Demecavity) and in an abusive past with her, which is, according to a list of Matinee Lines he tells her "I'll be back for you!", as he takes off with Old Deuteronomy kidnapped. He could also be her brother.
  • Mistoffelees: might be his mother, by Macavity.
  • Munkustrap: might be mates - this is indicated onstage in UK based productions (see Demestrap).
  • Rumpleteazer: might be good friends.
  • Skimbleshanks: might be her father.
  • Victoria: might be her mother, by Macavity.



  • Electra is a dark Torbie without white patches.
  • Electra is possibly an Ocicat, a Somali, or a short-haired scruffy moggy.
  • Electra is a Virgo.
  • Electra may actually be the only Jellicle kitten to have a relatively normal childhood.
  • Electra, Etcetera, and Jemima are sisters, and their parents are Skimbleshanks and Jennyanydots.
  • Electra, Etcetera, and Pouncival are siblings, and Jellylorum is their mother.




  • Etcetera is a dilute Tabby and White. Possibly a very light colored bengal or mixed breed.
  • Etcetera is a Taurus.
  • Etcetera has ADHD or isn't neurotypical. The way her movements while fangirling over Rum Tum Tugger is very reminiscent of stimming.
  • Etcetera is one of Grizabella's many bastard children as a results of her promiscuity. Grizabella viewed the young neurodivergent kitten as worthless, and didn't bother to give her a name. Therefore the kitten was dropped in the gutter nameless, and was picked up by the other Jellicles. Because Grizabella thought of her as just something to put at the end of a list, she gave herself the name of "Etcetera."
  • Electra, Etcetera, and Jemima are sisters and their parents are Skimbleshanks and Jennyanydots.
  • Electra, Etcetera, and Pouncival are siblings, and Jellylorum is their mother.




  • Exotica may be an Abysinnian, like Cassandra, or Siamese, Havana Brown, or Sokoke cat breed, as she is later seen having a tabby gray coloring.
  • Exotica is a house cat who is not allowed outside, she is only seen in the junkyard when she escapes.
  • Exotica is a Sagittarius.
  • Exotica may be an agent of Macavity, due to being persuaded by a great reward he'd provide her.
  • Some fans refer to her as Hathor or Amulet.




  • George is a tabby and white.
  • George is sometimes mistaken for Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus, but he typically has patches on both eyes not just one.
  • George is an Aquarius.
  • George is shy.


  • Asparagus: might be his father or uncle, due to having similar colouration.
  • Bill Bailey: might be brothers, or good friends.
  • Jellylorum: she might be his mother, or aunt.
  • Rumpleteazer: he might have a crush on her.
  • Tantomile: might good friends, or have a crush on her.
  • Victor: might be brothers, or good friends.



  • Carbucketty: might be related.
  • Grumbuskin: might be friends from the same martial arts sect, or might be enemies from rival sects, given that they both specialise in East Asian martial arts.



  • Griddlebone is an agent of Macavity's - she was sent to distract Growltiger to allow the Siamese to get close enough to attack. This is why she escapes with ease.
  • She may be entirely mythical, and never have existed.
  • Griddlebone is possibly an all-white Turkish Van, Persian, or British longhair.
  • Griddlebone is a Pisces.
  • Griddlebone, Grizabella, Jellylorum, and Jennyanydots are sisters from two separate litters. Griddlebone and Grizabella were very close growing up and their favorite past time was bullying Jennyanydots.
  • Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer are Griddlebone’s children by Growltiger, but once the job was done and Growltiger was dead, Griddlebone had no obligation to the kittens and left them on the streets. By luck, Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer managed to avoid Macavity’s influence, and were adopted by Jennyanydots.




  • Grizabella is a sandy tabby.
  • Babygriz, that we see in the ensemble at the start of the show, is actually Grizabella re-born from the Heaviside layer as an innocent, joyful kitten. She doesn't remember her past but she treasures her youth and beauty. What happens after the end of the show is actually shown in the beginning.
  • Bustopher and Grizabella had a close friendship since they were kittens, but when Grizabella was kicked out of the tribe, she stopped talking to Bustopher because he was an important cat within the Tribe. Grizabella lives in an alley not far from the Tomb, and this is why Bustopher "looks full of gloom" whenever he's eaten there. It's because he misses the good times he and Grizabella had as kittens. It has nothing to do with the food; he actually loves cabbage, rice pudding, and mutton.
  • Grizabella is possibly a Sokoke, a Nebelung, or a Laperm cat breed.
  • Grizabella is an Aries.
  • Grizabella may have worked for Macavity at some point, which led her to get exiled from the tribe.
  • Grizabella was a prostitute and a traveling glamour star, so wanton and proud that even Bombalurina is ashamed, hence the horrified disbelief in her voice when she sings of Grizabella's haunts.
  • Grizabella left to chase fame, but after receiving an eye injury that left her scarred she couldn't get any roles and became depressed, which led to her neglecting taking care of herself.
  • Grizabella gave up her kitten Victoria to the tribe, knowing that she couldn't take care of her. Grizabella comes to the Jellicle Ball for a chance to see her daughter and to be accepted again.
  • Griddlebone, Grizabella, Jellylorum, and Jennyanydots are sisters from two separate litters. Griddlebone and Grizabella were very close growing up and their favorite past time was bullying Jennyanydots.
  • Grizabella is Gus’ daughter, and he taught her all the methods of theater, which she used along with her beauty to become the famous Glamour cat, but she became too ambitious and she left the tribe to gain fame and fortune.
  • Grizabella was unable to help her glamour friend, Demeter, leave Macavity.
  • Grizabella was mates twice over with Old Deuteronomy. She had Munkustrap, who was born with her silver & black coloring, but mostly abandoned him for the glamour life. She then worked her way back into Old Deuteronomy's heart promising to change, had Rum Tum Tugger, and then left once again.




  • Growltiger might have existed, or he might be a mythical character.
  • Growltiger is a Leo.


  • Griddlebone: might be lovers. She might also be a decoy to distract him.
  • Mungojerrie: might his son, through Griddlebone.
  • Rumpleteazer: might be his daughter, through Griddlebone.
  • Victoria: might be his daughter through Griddlebone.



  • Gilbert: might be friends from the same martial arts sect, or might be enemies from rival sects, given that they both specialise in East Asian martial arts.



  • Jellylorum is a dilute tabby and white.
  • Jellylorum is a Taurus.
  • Jellylorum's human owner is T S Eliot (in real life, the character is named after the poet's cat).
  • Jellylorum doesn't dance like the other cats because Grizabella lured her into oncoming traffic as a kitten. She's been naturally turned-in ever since (refers to this joking headcanon from Sara Jean Ford).


Jemima / Sillabub[]


  • Jemima is a tortie and white.
  • Jemima, Demeter, Bombalurina, and Rum Tum Tugger all live with the same humans who like to put spiked collars on their cats to help protect them. Bombalurina, Demeter, and Jemima are related, but Rum Tum Tugger is not. They also are some of the few cats at the Jellicle Ball who are not strays.
  • Jemima is possibly a Turkish Angora, Somali, or a mixed breed.
  • Jemima is a Libra.
  • Jemima has a special connection to the moon, or the Heaviside Lair.
  • Jemima is a Pisces.
  • Jemima's alternate name, Sillabub, comes from another name for the Devil, Beelzebub. This was the name that her father Macavity gave her, but when Bombalurina and Demeter fled they took the wide-eyed kitten with them to the Jellicles, where her mother Demeter gave her the name "Jemima."
  • Jemima is the youngest in the tribe.
  • Jemima, Victoria, Electra, and Ectetera are best friends.
  • Jemima and Electra are related to Skimbleshanks, who is possibly their father.
  • Electra, Etcetera, and Jemima are sisters and their parents are Skimbleshanks and Jennyanydots.
  • Jemima is Macavity and Demeter's daughter, but she's adopted by Demeter and Munkustrap.
  • Jemima possibly has a strong connection of magic because of her father, Macavity, and her grandfather, Old Deuteronomy, both very magical cats.


  • Alonzo: might be siblings, or mates, as they are seen flirting at the Ball in some productions.
  • Bombalurina: might be her mother, sister, aunt, or friend, because of the similar markings.
  • Coricopat: might be her mate, or brother.
  • Demeter: might be her mother, sister, aunt, or friend, because of their interactions and colors.
  • Electra: might be sisters, or close friends.
  • Etcetera: might be close friends.
  • Grizabella: might be her mother or grandmother, as Jemima is the first to reach out to her and to empathize with her.
  • Jellylorum: might be her mother.
  • Jennyanydots: might be her mother or grandmother.
  • Macavity: might be her father, due to his history with Demeter.
  • Mistoffelees: might be siblings, close friends, or mates (see Jemistoffelees).
  • Munkustrap: might be her father, due to the sweet interactions or similar markings, or mates.
  • Old Deuteronomy: might be her father or grandfather, seeing that she has a connection with him and he chooses her to understand the meaning of "Moments of Happiness".
  • Pouncival: might be siblings, or mates, as they are often seen together.
  • Rum Tum Tugger: might be siblings, her uncle, or mates. He is seen interacting with her throughout, seeming to single her out from the other kittens.
  • Skimbleshanks: might be her father or grandfather, as he is seen pulling her back from Grizabella, holding her.
  • Tantomile: might be her sister.
  • Tumblebrutus: might be siblings or mates, as they are seen together during the pas de deux.
  • Victoria: might be mates (see Jemtoria), close friends, or siblings, as they are often together.



  • Jennyanydots is specified as a tabby - "Her coat is of the tabby kind, with tiger stripes and leopard spots".
  • Jennyanydots is possibly an Ocicat or a Scottish Fold.
  • Jennyanydots is a Gemini.
  • Jennyanydots belongs to a landlord.
  • Jennyanydots lives in a mansion, and uses her home as a safe place for orphan cats like Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer.
  • Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer were adopted by Jennyanydots after being abandoned by their mother Griddlebone.




  • Macavity is specified as "...a ginger cat, he's very tall and thin".
  • The way he is described (tall, thin, sunken eyes, swaying head) makes Macavity sound very sick.
  • Canon direction says that Demeter and Macavity have a history together, hence why she assumes every threat is him. Macavity is often assumed to have been her abusive partner. Perhaps Jemima is even their child.
  • Given that Macavity has magical abilities such as levitation and teleportation, this has led to the theory he might be related to the other magical cats, Mistoffelees, Coricopat, Tantomile, and Jemima.
  • Macavity is a Taurus.
  • Macavity may had been kicked out of the Jellicles, which made him angry and took a turn for the worst.
  • Bombalurina is shown to have a slightly different opinion of Macavity than Demeter, as she finds him more attractive, and less frightening.
  • Macavity, Old Deuteronomy's eldest son, left the Jellicles by his own volition. They aren't his main target, but he has a lot of ties to cats in the Jellicles.
  • He kidnaps Old Deuteronomy as a distraction so he could take Demeter.


  • Alonzo: might be rivals for Demeter
  • Bombalurina: might be mates, or his daughter, with Demeter.
  • Coricopat: might be his son
  • Demeter: might have been mates (see Demecavity) and in an abusive past with her, which is, according to a list of Matinee Lines he tells her "I'll be back for you!", as he takes off with Old Deuteronomy kidnapped. He could also be her brother.
  • Jemima: might be his daughter, with Demeter.
  • Mistoffelees: might be his son, or brother, due to them both having magical abilities.
  • Munkustrap: might be brothers, or rivals for Demeter.
  • Old Deuteronomy: might be his father, or grandfather.
  • Rum Tum Tugger: might be brothers.
  • Tantomile: might be his daughter.



  • Mistoffelees is described as "black from his ears to the tip of his tail", however we see him onstage as a black and white/tuxedo cat. Fans use either version of his appearance.
  • If he is all black, he might be a Bombay or an all- black Turkish Angora cat breed, or a mixed breed cat.
  • Munkustrap, Bustopher Jones, Skimbleshanks, Mistoffelees, Victoria, Mungojerrie, and Rumpleteazer are the only members of the Tribe to have wealthy owners.
  • Mistoffelees is a Leo or Gemini, which seems plausible since the difference between Mistoffelees during a majority of the show is much different from his flashy, song counterpart.
  • Possibly gay or a drag queen.
  • Possibly transgender. Largely based on the line "produced seven kittens right out of hat", which can be taken as a metaphor for giving birth to seven kittens.
  • May be on the autisim spectrum. Mistoffelees was mute for many productions making him "non-verbal", which is a symptom for a few people on the autism spectrum.
  • Mistoffelees is actually younger than most people think, as the canon description says. He is said to be the same age or slightly older than Victoria, which is old enough to have not one, but two girlfriends (Victoria and Cassandra), and a boyfriend (The Rum Tum Tugger), which would make Mistoffelees a child prodigy.
  • Mistoffelees' and Victoria's mother is Bustopher Jones' younger sister. They are from different litters, and Mistoffelees is older than Victoria.
  • Whenever Mistoffelees performs magic for long periods of time or uses bigger magic (light manipulation, conjuring), his coat becomes dark and sparkly. Simple magic though (sensing Old Deuteronomy and opening the trunk) don't affect his coat.


  • Alonzo: Might be friends, brothers, or mates (see Alonzoffelees).
  • Bombalurina: might be his mother or rivals for Tugger's affections.
  • Bustopher Jones: might be his uncle, close friend, or father, due to them both being tuxedo cats, as well as Mistoffelees' excitement during Bustopher's song.
  • Carbucketty: might be brothers, or mates, as they are sometimes seen together during the pas de deux.
  • Cassandra: might be mates (see Casstoffelees).
  • Coricopat: might be good friends, or mates.
  • Electra: might be mates.
  • Etcetera: might be cousins.
  • Jemima: might be mates (see Jemistoffelees), or close friends.
  • Jennyanydots: might be his mother, by Bustopher Jones.
  • Macavity: might be his father, given that they both have magical abilities.
  • Munkustrap: might be his uncle, brother, friend, or mate (see Munkoffelees).
  • Old Deuteronomy: might be his grandfather or father.
  • Rum Tum Tugger: might be related, or mates (see Tuggoffelees). They have an unusual relationship, Mistoffelees is the only younger cat to not be impressed with Rum Tum Tugger Tugger's antics, yet Rum Tum Tugger is in awe of Misto's abilities and sings his solo. Many modern productions play into the idea that the two are into each other.
  • Rumpleteazer: might be mates, or close friend.
  • Victoria: might be be mates (see Mistoria), siblings, or just close friends.



  • Mungojerrie is a tabby and white, very similar in appearance to Rumpleteazer. Possibly a Bengal or toyger cat.
  • He and Rumpleteazer may have had connections with Macavity at some point, given their personalities and interactions with him onstage.
  • Mungojerrie is a Virgo.
  • Mungojerrie being a agent for Macavity is unknown to most of the cats in the junkyard.
  • Munkustrap, Bustopher Jones, Skimbleshanks, Mistoffelees, Victoria, Mungojerrie, and Rumpleteazer are the only members of the Tribe to have wealthy owners.
  • Mungojerrie is a double agent for Macavity. This is why the tribe still welcomes him and Rumpleteazer around.
  • Mungojerrie is the son of Griddlebone and Growltiger.
  • Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer are twins, except Rumpleteazer is older by 5 minutes.
  • Skimbleshanks is Mungojerrie's and Rumpleteazer's uncle. He introduced them to the Jellicles, hoping that socialization would calm down their hectic behavior.
  • Mungojerrie is transgender, as identical twins of opposite gender are very rare.




  • Munkustrap is a short-haired silver tabby.
  • Munkustrap and Rum Tum Tugger are confirmed as Old Deuteronomy's sons in some UK based productions.
  • There is a further theory that Macavity is also their brother, and his estrangement and anger is the cause of him kidnapping his father.
  • Munkustrap is possibly an Egyptian Mau or a Turkish Angora cat breed.
  • Munkustrap is a Capricorn.
  • Munkustrap, Bustopher Jones, Skimbleshanks, Mistoffelees, Victoria, Mungojerrie, and Rumpleteazer are the only members of the Tribe to have wealthy owners.
  • Munkustrap is part Maine Coon.
  • Grizabella is his mother, and he shares her silver and black coloring. He is unaware that she is his mother.


  • Alonzo: might be his brother, best friend, or mate (see Alonzostrap).
  • Bombalurina: might be mates (see Bombastrap), or siblings, through Jennyannydots.
  • Cassandra: might be mates - this is indicated onstage in some Broadway based productions.
  • Demeter: might be mates - this is indicated onstage in UK based productions (see Demestrap).
  • Electra: might be his daughter, by Demeter.
  • Grizabella: might be his mother, or his sister (in newer productions).
  • Jemima: might be his daughter, adopted daughter, or mate.
  • Jennyanydots: might be his mother, aunt, or mate (see Munkudots); they are clearly very fond of each other in her song.
  • Macavity: might be his brother.
  • Mistoffelees: might be his son (by Demeter), his nephew, his brother, or his mate (see Munkoffelees).
  • Old Deuteronomy: might be his father, which is confirmed in certain UK based productions.
  • Plato: might be his nephew.
  • Rum Tum Tugger: might be his brother, which is confirmed in certain UK based productions.
  • Rumpleteazer: might be mates.
  • Victoria: might be his daughter, by Demeter.



  • Comes from the cat equivalent of a royal family, given that TS Eliot originally envisioned him as a cat with blue blood.

Noilly Prat[]


  • She is named after a brand of wine and so maybe her owners are winemakers.

Old Deuteronomy[]


  • Old Deuteronomy is a long-haired silver tabby. Possibly a Nebelung, Main Coon, Norwegian Forest, or a Turkish Angora cat breed.
  • Old Deuteronomy has had many wives, and consequently many children. It is suggested most of the Tribe are related to him in one way or another.
  • It is confirmed in some UK productions that Old Deuteronomy is father to both Munkustrap and Rum Tum Tugger.
  • Fans speculate further that Macavity is also their brother, and it is his estranged son who kidnaps Old Deuteronomy.
  • Old Deuteronomy is an Aquarius.
  • Old Deuteronomy is a Maine Coon.
  • Old Deuteronomy came to be the leader of the cats by murdering the previous leader, thus asserting their dominance over the other cats.
  • Old Deuteronomy is reborn again and again throughout the centuries, like the Avatar. Therefore, he has seen more of the Heaviside Layer than any other Jellicle.
  • Old Deuteronomy was once with Grizabella, and Munkustrap is their son. Munkustrap inherited Grizabella's coloring.




  • Jemima: might be sisters given how similar they look.

Rum Tum Tugger[]


  • Rum Tum Tugger is a long-haired dark tabby, possibly with Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest, or Turkish Angora cat genetics.
  • It is confirmed in some UK-based productions that Munkustrap and Tugger are Old Deuteronomy's sons.
  • There is speculation among both actors and fans of the 2016 Broadway revival that there is some sort of rocky relationship between Rum Tum Tugger and Skimbleshanks, often one that changes every night (heated enemies, good friends, lovers...).
  • Rum Tum Tugger is a Libra or Leo; Could possibly also be a Gemini, as Geminis are not only extremely social and adore positive attention, but also have a tendency to be easily bored and crave variety.
  • Possibly bisexual.


  • Alonzo: might be his brother, or mate (see Altugger). In the 2016 revival and other US productions, Alonzo takes Mistoffelees' classic line, calling him a "terrible bore" along with Munkustrap.
  • Bombalurina: might be mates (see Tuggerina), or best friends.
  • Coricopat: might be cousins, or his nephew.
  • Demeter: might be friends.
  • Etcetera: might be mates, or her idol.
  • Exotica: might be mates.
  • Jemima: might be mates, siblings, or her uncle.
  • Macavity: might be brothers.
  • Mistoffelees: might be related, or mates (see Tuggoffelees). They have an unusual relationship, Mistoffelees is the only younger cat to not be impressed with Rum Tum Tugger Tugger's antics, yet Rum Tum Tugger is in awe of Misto's abilities and sings his solo. Many modern productions play into the idea that the two are into each other.
  • Munkustrap: might be his brother, which is confirmed in certain UK based productions.
  • Old Deuteronomy: might be his son, which is confirmed in certain UK based productions.
  • Skimbleshanks: might be mates (see Tuggershanks), good friends, or frenemies.
  • Tantomile: might be cousins, his niece, or mates.
  • Victoria : might be siblings, a niece, or a fan.

Rum Tum Tugger (Street Cat)[]


  • Street Cat Tugger is a bright golden tabby.
  • Street Cat Tugger is actually Rockstar Tugger's wayward son.


  • Demeter: might be mates, more so than Rockstar Tugger.
  • Mungojerrie: close friends, very similar personalities.
  • Munkustrap: might be his brother, which is confirmed in certain UK based productions.
  • Old Deuteronomy: might be his son, which is confirmed in certain UK based productions.
  • Rumpleteazer: might be mates.



  • Rumpleteazer is a tabby and white. Possibly a Bengal or toyger cat.
  • She and Mungojerrie may have had connections with Macavity at some point, given their personalities and interactions with him onstage.
  • Rumpleteazer is a Virgo.
  • Munkustrap, Bustopher Jones, Skimbleshanks, Mistoffelees, Victoria, Mungojerrie, and Rumpleteazer are the only members of the Tribe to have wealthy owners.
  • Rumpleteazer is a calico tabby.
  • Rumpleteazer is the daughter of Griddlebone and Growltiger.
  • Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer are twins except Rumpleteazer is older by 5 minutes.
  • Skimbleshanks is Mungojerrie's and Rumpleteazer's uncle. He introduced them to the Jellicles, hoping that socialization would calm down their hectic behavior.




  • Skimbleshanks is a ginger cat, with "glass green eyes" and a "long brown tail".
  • Skimbleshanks is possibly a Scottish Straight cat breed, due to his accent in the 1998 Film.
  • There is speculation among both actors and fans of the 2016 Broadway revival that there is some sort of rocky relationship between Skimbleshanks and Rum Tum Tugger, often one that changes every night (heated enemies, good friends, lovers...).
  • Skimbleshanks is a Taurus.
  • Munkustrap, Bustopher Jones, Skimbleshanks, Mistoffelees, Victoria, Mungojerrie, and Rumpleteazer are the only members of the tribe to have wealthy owners.
  • The entire tribe adopted him as an uncle. No matter who you are, he’s your uncle.
  • He could be part of the "Starlight Express" universe since he's a railway cat.
  • Mungojerrie & Rumpleteazer are his niece and nephew.




  • Given that the psychic twins display magical abilities, this suggests they might be related to the other magical cats - Mistoffelees, Macavity, and Jemima.
  • Tantomile and Coricopat are possibly an Abyssinian, a Burmese, Oriental Shorthair, or a Somali cat breed.
  • Tantomile is a Gemini.
  • Due to identical twins of the different sex being more rare, Tantomile may be transgender.




  • Victor is a dark tabby.
  • Victor is tall and appears adult, but acts like a kitten.
  • Victor is a Leo.




  • Some fans think she might be deaf/mute, due to solid white cats in real life are often deaf. She also doesn't sing any solos. Some suggest she may not be mute, but still deaf, as she sings her line in Jellicle songs "familiar with candles" with Jennyanydots.
  • Victoria is possibly a Burmilla cat breed due to the breed consists of an all white or light color with minimum color markings, or an all-white Turkish Angora.
  • Victoria is an Aquarius.
  • Victoria is not truly a stray, she only manages to leave her owner's home at night to meet with the Jellicles, explaining how she keeps herself so well-groomed and her sparkly pink collar.
  • Victoria is the same age as Jemima, but the more mature of the two.
  • Munkustrap, Bustopher Jones, Skimbleshanks, Mistoffelees, Victoria, Mungojerrie, and Rumpleteazer are the only members of the Tribe to have wealthy owners.
  • Victoria is designated to birth the reincarnation of whichever cat goes to the Heaviside Layer. This could be implied through her coming of age, solo dance, the mating dance, and her acceptance of Grizabella.
  • Victoria is the daughter of Grizabella and was given to the tribe not long after she was born. Victoria knows this and yet forgives Grizabella.
  • Victoria once had a wealthy owner, but when they tried to sell her she got lost in the street. As a deaf kitten, she wouldn't have survived long if it weren't for Munkustrap.
  • Mistoffelees' and Victoria's mother is Bustopher Jones' younger sister. They are from different litters, and Mistoffelees is older than Victoria. Victoria isn't as close to Bustopher as Mistoffelees is though, due to the fact she is younger and hasn't talked to him very closely.

